Saturday, May 18, 2024


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2024 Hedging Survey

Watch the Market, but Stick to Your Strategy
Watch the Market, but Stick to Your Strategy The annual Hedging Survey is a chance to look at the past season’s pricing and challenges, and get expert insight on how to plan for… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/2024-hedging-survey/

Approved Oil Is Cleaning Up NYC

Approved Oil won one of the largest fuel contracts in history: supplying approximately 12-13 million gallons of renewable diesel for all of New York City’s municipal fleets
In the summer of 2023, Approved Oil won one of the largest fuel contracts in history: supplying approximately 12-13 million gallons of renewable diesel for all of New York City’s… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/approved-oil-cleaning-nyc/

Show Your Work

Use online GHG calculators to help prove your value to the community
Use online GHG calculators to help prove your value to the community Liquid heating fuel retailers, wholesalers and producers have been helping homeowners and businesses reduce… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/show-your-work/

Building Designated Alternative Fuel Corridors

As more EVs take the road, there need to be convenient charging options wherever drivers travel
As more EVs take the road, there need to be convenient charging options wherever drivers travel The first electric vehicle charging station funded by the Bipartisan… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/building-designated-alternative-fuel-corridors/

The Imperative of Cloud-Based Data Security

Cloud-based solutions offer greater security, scalability, and access than traditional data management.
Cloud-based solutions offer greater security, scalability, and access than traditional data management In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of energy distribution, heating oil… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/imperative-cloud-based-data-security/

New Visions for the Liquid Fuels Industry

The Visions Conference will bring together heating fuel dealers, wholesalers, associations, service contractors, and the companies that support them for networking, business education, and legislative and regulatory updates
Visions ’24 is around the corner. The National Energy and Fuels Industry (NEFI) conference will open Tuesday, April 30, for the first time since 2018. The Visions Conference will… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/new-visions-liquid-fuels-industry/

A Smart Hedging Strategy Can Withstand Market Forces

How you schedule your hedges has more impact than you might realize
How you schedule your hedges has more impact than you might realize With the 2023-2024 heating season drawing to a close, you are likely looking at your price program offerings… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/smart-hedging-strategy-can-withstand-market-forces/

Burner Questions? The Answer Is in Your Hands.

Manufacturers provide step-by-step guides for new B100 burners
Manufacturers provide step-by-step guides for new B100 burners 2023 was a hot year for burner tech. Both Beckett and Carlin Combustion began production of B100-rated burners and… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/burner-questions-answer-your-hands/

Redefining Zero

NEFI Responds to EERE Definition of Zero Emissions Building
NEFI Responds to EERE Definition of Zero Emissions Building On January 9, 2024, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) published a request for information (RFI) seeking public input… https://oilandenergyonline.com/articles/all/redefining-zero/

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